Reading about one of the first totalitarian rulers (of historical significance) of Europe, Charlemagne. Since time immemorial PEOPLE have been killing and dying in pointless wars because some idiot(s) told/forced them to. It is still the same way today. The world won't change for the better until humanity realizes that there is no cosmic law decreeing that we follow leaders. Especially leaders who DO NOT LEAD BY EXAMPLE, but by coercion, deceit, violence and lies. When Bush had fucked up the world for the next couple of centuries, the trickster Obama said there was no need to scrutinize the (crimes comitted by the) past (administration), because we had to busy ourselves by looking ahead to the future instead. Leaders say that because they don't want YOU to realize you don't have to follow them because they are FAKE and don't care about YOUR personal universe realizing itself in the world. So please, STUDY the PAST, and never forget that POWER is a corrupting force that is never mainatined NATURALLY in a transient world, it is ALWAYS wielded with the intent to RULE.